Monday, November 5, 2007

Cued vs ASL better writing in English?

Which one Cued or ASL can write better in English? How about specch thepary with cued or ASL or what?


abc said...

Ask the CUE person to show you the research data that proves CUEING results in better English... It doesn't exist.

As you said, it depends on MANY things, such as ASL fluency of the teacher, ASL fluency of the other kids, attitude of teachers, how many years has the student had good teachers, etc, etc... There is no way to show CUED Speech is better than ASL or SEE or Oral, etc... Too many variables!!

Anonymous said...

Actually, the research DOES exist, as written by several researchers. The reason seems to be that cueing provides phonological access to a spoken language. Check this link (PDF file) out for more info:

However, you're right. When it comes to English literacy, there's so many factors that come into play -- do parents consistently cue (and therefore provide complete access to a natural language) in the home? Do teachers have good pedagogical skills? What's the peer group like?

(And btw, not all cuers can quote research off the bat, just like not all signers will know which publications to refer to when asked about the validity of ASL. So confronting a cuer isn't always the best way to go...)